Developing Careers and Driving Innovation through Collaboration


FutureNEST is a community of apprentices, graduates and young professionals from across the UKNEST member organisations. It works as a collaborative organisation focussed on driving personal and professional development opportunities for early career professionals in the Naval and Maritime Sectors. Working alongside the UKNEST Working Groups (Technology and People) FutureNEST aims to provide insight, innovation and ingenuity to help address their objectives as well as the aims of the wider UKNEST organisation.

FutureNEST members are encouraged to attend events across the sector including workshops, site visits, conferences and more, engaging with the wider community and extending networks.  FutureNEST organises workshops at member organisations’ sites which can be utilised to produce tangible outputs such as reviews, scientific papers and journal articles all under the banner of an Industry Enterprise approach through UKNEST.

FutureNEST provides exposure and experience to early career professionals and as such we encourage involvement during the first 5 years of their careers in the Naval sector to gain the most benefit. This gives early career professionals an excellent opportunity to widen their networks and further their experiences and skill sets though collaboration with others, in similar positions, in other organisations. FutureNEST is self-governed by a group of volunteers, reporting to the UKNEST Programme Board, which is an opportunity extended out to all members if they wish to get involved.

You get out what you put in! Active FutureNEST members often attend 3-4 activities a year, this equates to around 5-10 days of commitment. All events are optional and can be adapted around work schedules.

Benefits for you, The FutureNEST Member
  • Exposure to industry level thinking and people
  • Opportunities to get involved with thought provoking event such as the national shipbuilding strategy
  • “Think Tank” style Workshopping of innovative topics with industry experts
  • Experience representing an organisation in a safe environment
  • Personal Development hours than can contribute to Professional Registration
  • Collaboration with and exposure to other Early Career Professionals from all parts of Industry, Government and Academia
  • Capability to have your say in the future of your industry


Benefits for you, The UKNEST Member Organisation
  • Demonstrate your drive to develop the futures of our Early Career Professionals
  • Exhibit support to not only UKNEST, but to the whole industry, its objectives, goals, and ambitions
  • Supported and funded educational lectures, workshops and events for your employees
  • Exposure for your Employees to the wider industry with great opportunities for collaboration and networking
  • Exposure for your organisation to others through your early career professionals
  • A better professional through experiences hard to come by internally


Meet the FutureNest Team...


Membership of FutureNEST is open to Early Career Professionals from MEMBER ORGANISATIONS only. The logos of all current member organisations, with links to their corporate websites, can be found at the bottom of the Membership page. Individuals can enquire about membership by speaking to their organisation’s UKNEST Representative or by using the form opposite.


    Note: Membership of FutureNEST is for Early Career Professionals of MEMBER ORGANISATIONS only