Membership of UKNEST is open to all organisations, based in the UK, that contribute to the naval sector.
UKNEST welcomes member organisations from across the naval enterprise, whether public or private sector, large or small.
All members are given a voice and able to participate in all UKNEST initiatives and activities.
The principal purpose of UKNEST is to enable the UK Naval Enterprise to be the best in the world through great people, collaboration and superior technology. The key Objectives are to:
- Recruit, train, retain, and develop the careers of human talent across the Naval Enterprise as well as champion STEM;
- Sustain the UK’s maritime capability now and in the future; enable new capability and support existing capability;
- Understand and assimilate new technologies;
- Maintain the UK’s international resilience in a militarily and industrially competitive world;
- Actively promote and communicate the importance and impact of the UK Naval Enterprise.
The key benefits of UKNEST membership are listed opposite.
STEM Engagement
Schools and Further Education engagement
UKNEST Scholars
Sponsorship and mentoring students studying STEM subjects at UK universities and colleges
Supporting a network of early career professionals
Thought Leadership
People & Skills and Science & Technology
Promoting the sector
Conferences, workshops and social and printed media and
Advocacy and influence
Support and inform policy makers
Becoming a UKNEST Member
Membership of UKNEST is open to ORGANISATIONS operating within the UK Naval Enterprise, both public and private sector, that have an interest in shaping technology and skills. Membership is NOT available to individuals. The logos of all current member organisations, with links to their corporate websites, can be found at the bottom of this page. Organisations can enquire about membership using the form opposite.
What Our Members say...

I have been involved with UKNEST for almost 4 years and I am one of the MOD members; I represent the Maritime Community with Dstl. For me it is a great forum to be a part of, we all face similar challenges and we look to identify, and provide proposals to solve, maritime enterprise issues; an example would be recognising current skills shortages and also what future skills are needed to match the change in Technology.
I like the fact that MOD, Maritime Industry and supporting organisations are all able to work together, in an open an honest environment, to use our collective experience to help the Royal Navy.
Peter Broadbent

UKNEST provides a platform to discuss UK defence sector engineering, science and research opportunities, primarily focusing on identifying disrupters/enablers, visioneering and solutions for the Royal Navy and the Ministry of Defence consideration, which is fully supported by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Chris Boyd
Chief Executive Officer, RINA

Being a member of FutureNEST has allowed me to meet and collaborate with liked minded engineers from different companies which has been a great opportunity at such an early part of my career. In my short time as a ‘FutureNESTer’ I have been involved in multiple workshops and have been given the opportunity to present the resulting work to an IMarEST audience. These have been great experiences and I look forward to seeing what I’ll be involved with in the future.
Aaron McMaster

I have been involved in many FutureNEST workshops and events. Its brilliant to collaborate with peers in the industry as well as meeting people outside of your usual area of expertise. In the workshops we learn and debate together, passionately discuss options and present our ideas to seniors. Its brilliant to see your ideas being taken onboard and progressed into the future.
Chloe Woodger-Smith